Wisdom Tooth
Do you know what is wisdom tooth? Wisdom tooth is molar number eight that should be errupted ( kayak gunung aja ) between ages 16 and 21. But why my wisdom teeth still not completed yet? I am 30 now. Now I have fever dari semalam dan juga sakit kepala nyut-nyutan sedikit, pas dilihat my gum was swelling and red. Dooh bandel sih, before my doctor encouraged me to remove that last tooth, because gak ada tempat lagi untuk erupsinya. Tapi I don't want to do it, I remember blade yang akan mengoyak gusiku huuuh. Syerem. Jadi menurut all of you what must I do with my wisdom tooth? If I didn't remove it, it will keep disturbing me with fever and pain, but if I remove it I am afraid of blade that will cut my gum. Whatever lah.
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